Nottinghamshire Under 12, Under 16 and Senior Open

Click for Entry Form

Date: Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th June 2014
Venue: Ellis Guilford School and Sports College, Bar Lane, Nottingham. NG6 0HT
Eligibility: All competitors must hold a valid BJA, BJC or AJA licence and must present this when booking in on the day of the event. All players must wear a white judogi and have a blue and white belt.

Saturday 14th June – Senior Grades – 14 years and over on day of event

A: Brown Belt & Above
Women: -57kg -63kg -70kg +70kg
Men: -66kg -73kg -81kg -90kg -100kg +100kg
B: Blue Belt & Below
Women: -63kg -70kg +70kg
Men: -66kg -73kg -81kg -90kg -100kg +100kg

Sunday 15th June
C: 8 years to under 12 years on day of event (BJA under 12 rules will apply)
Girls: -28kg -32kg -36kg -40kg -44kg -48kg +48kg
Boys: -24kg -27kg -30kg -34kg -38kg -42kg -46kg -50kg +50kg D: 12 years to under 16 years on day of event
Girls: -36kg -40kg -44kg -48kg -52kg -57kg -63kg +63kg
Boys: -34kg -38kg -42kg -46kg -50kg -55kg -60kg -66kg -73kg +73kg
Armlocks and Strangles are not permitted in categories C & D.

Method of Elimination
Pools to Knockout for groups of 7 or less, Knockout and Repechage for groups of 8 or more. The Tournament Director reserves the right to combine or alter categories if entries dictate.
Category A & B Women: Saturday 9.00am – 9.20am Category A Men: Saturday 10.00am – 10.20am
Category B Men: Saturday 12.00pm – 12.20pm Category C: Sunday 9.00am – 9.20am Category D: Sunday 12.00pm – 12.20pm
Entry Fee
Competitors – £18.00 Postal Payment (Cheques payable to Nottingham Judo)
Spectators – Adults £3.00 / Children Free (Payable on the day)
Closing Date
Saturday 7 June (or when the maximum entry has been reached)
Postal Entries to
Paul Keeton, Nottingham Judo, 142 Wendover Drive, Aspley, Nottingham. NG8 5JN
Email: – Telephone: 0700 349 6051